Numeric Types in Python
In Python, there are three distinct numeric types:
- Integers
- Floating-point numbers
- Complex numbers

An integer is a whole number that can be positive or negative.
# Following numbers are integers
x = 10
y = -10
z = 123456789
In Python 3, there is no limit to how long an integer value can be. It can grow to have as many digits as your computer’s memory space allows.
# Integers have unlimited precision
x = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
We normally write integers in base 10. However, Python allows us to write integers in Hexadecimal (base 16), Octal (base 8), and Binary (base 2) formats. You can do that by adding one of the following prefixes to the integer.
Prefix | Interpretation | Base |
‘0b’ or ‘0B’ | Binary | 2 |
‘0o’ or ‘0O’ | Octal | 8 |
‘0x’ or ‘0X’ | Hexadecimal | 16 |
# Integers in binary, octal and hexadecimal formats
# binary
# Prints 187
# octal
# Prints 8
# hex
# Prints 255
In addition, Boolean is a sub-type of integers.
# Boolean in python
x = True
x = False
Floating-Point Numbers
Floating-point number or Float is a positive or negative number with a fractional part.
# Following numbers are floats
x = 10.1
y = -10.5
z = 1.123456
You can append the character e
or E
followed by a positive or negative integer to specify scientific notation.
# Scientific notation
# Prints 42000.0
# Prints 0.0042
The maximum value a float can have is approximately 1.8×10308 . Any number greater than that is indicated by the string inf (infinity)
# Maximum value of a float
# Prints 1.79e+308
# Prints inf
However, the minimum value a float can have is approximately 5.0×10-324 . Any number, less than that is considered zero.
# Minimum value of a float
# Prints 4.94065645841e-324
# Prints 0.0
Complex Numbers
A complex number is specified as real_part + imaginary_part, where the imaginary_part is written with a j
or J
# Following numbers are complex numbers
x = 2j
y = 3+4j
To extract real and imaginary parts from a complex number x, use x.real
and x.imag
x = 3+4j
# real part
# Prints 3.0
# imaginary part
# Prints 4.0