What is R Programming?
R is a powerful programming language for statistical computing and data analysis.
It was developed in the early 1990s by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, and released in 2000.
R is still maintained by the R Core Team.
Who uses R?
Here’s a list of some top-tier companies that you know that use R.
Facebook: For behavior analysis related to status updates and profile pictures.
Google: For advertising effectiveness and economic forecasting.
Twitter: For data visualization and semantic clustering.
Uber: For statistical analysis.
Airbnb: Scale data science.
ANZ: For credit risk modeling.
Why Choose R?
Here are some of the features that make R an appealing choice.
R is Popular: R ranks 22nd in the TIOBE index (a measure of popularity of programming languages).
R is Simple: R has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
R is Free: The R is developed under an open-source license, making it free to install, use, and distribute, even for commercial purposes.
R is Platform Independent: R works on different platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux).
R is Portable: Code written for one platform will work on any other platform.
R is Interpreted: Meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means, quicker development cycles.