In simple terms, a function is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a program. R provides many built-in functions and allows programmers to define their own functions.
Here’s the syntax of a function in R:
Function Name is an identifier by which the function is called
Arguments contains a list of values passed to the function
Function Body is executed each time the function is called
Return keyword ends function call and sends data back to the program
Create a Function
To define a function in R, use the function
command and assign the results to a function name.
# Create a function 'myfunc'
myfunc <- function() {
print('Hello, World!')
If you have only one statement to execute, you can skip curly braces.
# Write a function in one line
myfunc <- function() print('Hello, World!')
Call a Function
You can call (run) the function by adding parentheses after the function’s name.
myfunc <- function() {
print('Hello, World!')
[1] "Hello, World!"
Pass Arguments
You can send information to a function through arguments. Arguments are declared after the function keyword in parentheses.
You can send as many arguments as you like, just separate them by a comma ,
sum <- function(x, y) {
x + y
sum(2, 3)
[1] 5
Named Arguments
If you pass arguments to a function by name, you can put those arguments in any order.
pow <- function(x, y) {
x ^ y
# using argument names
pow(x=2, y=3)
[1] 8
# changing the order
pow(y=3, x=2)
[1] 8
Default Argument Value
You can assign a default value to an argument. So, when you call the function without argument, it uses the default value.
# Set default value ‘3’ to second argument
pow <- function(x, y=3) {
x ^ y
# function will use default y value
[1] 8
# specifying a different y value
pow(2, 4)
[1] 16
Return a Value
To return a value from a function, simply use a return()
sum <- function(x, y) {
return(x + y)
sum(2, 3)
[1] 5
If you do not include any return()
function, it automatically returns the last expression.
sum <- function(x, y) {
x + y
sum(2, 3)
[1] 5
Return Multiple Values
You can return multiple values by saving the results in a vector (or a list) and returning it.
math <- function(x, y) {
add <- x + y
sub <- x - y
mul <- x * y
div <- x / y
c(addition = add, subtraction = sub,
multiplication = mul, division = div)
math(6, 3)
addition subtraction multiplication division
9 3 18 2
Lazy Evaluation
R functions perform lazy evaluation that dramatically extends the expressive power of functions. It is the technique of not evaluating arguments unless and until they are needed in the function.
myfunc <- function(x, y) {
# y is not evaluated so not including it causes no harm
[1] 6
# y is evaluated so not including it raises error
Error in myfunc(0) : argument "y" is missing, with no default
Variable Length Argument
In R, it is often convenient to accept a variable number of arguments passed to the function. To do this, you specify an ellipsis (...)
in the arguments when defining a function.
It accepts variable number of arguments, in the sense that you do not know beforehand how many arguments can be passed to your function by the user.
For example, below function prints the first argument and then passes all the other arguments to the summary()
myfunc <- function(x,...) {print(x); summary(...)}
v <- 1:10
myfunc("Summary of v:", v)
[1] "Summary of v:"
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1.00 3.25 5.50 5.50 7.75 10.00
You can also directly refer to the arguments within the argument list (...)
through the variables ..1, ..2, to ..9.
For example, ..1 refers to the first argument, ..2 refers to the second, and so on.
myfunc <- function(...) {cat(..1, ..2)}
myfunc("Hello", "World!")
Hello World!
It is also possible to read the arguments from the argument list by converting the object (...)
to a list within the function body.
For example, below function simply sums all its arguments:
addAll <- function(x,...) {
args <- list(...)
for (a in args) x <- x + a
[1] 3
[1] 15